Monday, April 13, 2009

Cancer Update - follicular non-hodgkins lymphoma

I went to the oncologist today to find out results of my recent scans and blood tests to see how well I responded to my latest treatment of 4 rounds of Rituxan. I did not receive as good news as I was expecting. The cancer did not respond as well as it did the last time I received this treatment. I was kicked out of the clinical trial because my response wasn't high enough.
The good news is, I did get a decent response just not a great one. Now I have a decision to make about how I want to proceed. I am leaning toward doing maintenance Rituxan. I would receive one infusion every 3 months for the next two years to try and keep the cancer in check where it is now.
A decision will be made by the end of the week.


  1. Hey, Jane. I'm not sure what to say. I'm sorry you were kicked out of the study..but glad that your response was at least decent?! I am sure the decisions you have to make are taxing on you..let alone all the physical stuff. Take care..get some rest..and remember to take some "Jane" time. Love you!!!

  2. Hi Jane, I am praying for you. Something I did when Gianna was born and going through all her ordeals was I had worship music playing all the time, I spent a lot of time with the Lord in the Word and just talking to Him and listening to Him, and I looked in the Bible concordance and printed verses on "healing" and posted them everywhere. I posted them on my frig, coffee maker, washer/dryer, in the bathroom -- wherever I was there was a scripture. And read it outloud so the devil will read it. Trust in the Lord and believe He WILL heal you. Think about it, in the Bible, He says He healed the sick --- remember the woman who touched his cloak as he was walking by and she was healed? Well, He said to the woman that her faith healed her. Jesus is amazing and He does amazing things when we trust in Him, Obey Him, and Believe in Him. I am standing in faith that You Will Be Healed - in the name of Jesus!!
    Love, Michelle Scrimale

  3. Hi Jane, I'm sorry to hear it wasn't as good as expected.

    How about chemotherapy with maintenance R? Not CHOP, but something like CVP or Fluderibine?

    I'm glad you had some type of response, perhaps adding chemo could do the rest?

    Your fellow fNHLer,


  4. Jane,

    I love you with all my heart!

    You are a strong woman, no doubt!

    Even as a cancer survivor, I personally still find it hard to say the right things, do the right things because no one ever understands how we feel personally on the inside. I feel certian you will make the right choice as to whats right for you. I believe in you!

    Reading the comments before mine, they are so touching, FAITH, I am a firm believer thats why I am still here, now its my job to continue to spread my love of my story and journey during my troubled times.

    your cancer sister,
    ashley :)

  5. Keep your chin'll make the right choice for you.

    Sending good vibes!!

  6. Jane,

    I'm glad you still had a response, but I'm sorry the news wasn't as great as you had hoped for. I'll look forward to hearing your decision; sounds like a good option!

    Another cancer sister --

