Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Beautiful and Bald Barbie! Why not? Let's see if we can get it made!

I would like to see a Beautiful and Bald Barbie made to help

 young girls who suffer from hair loss due to cancer 

treatments or alopecia. Also, for young girls who are having

 trouble coping with their mother's hair loss from chemo. My

 daughter had some difficulty accepting me going from a

 long haired blond to a bald woman. Accessories such as 

scarves and hats could be included. This would be a great

 coping mechanism for you girls dealing with hair loss 

themselves or a loved one. I would love to see proceeds go 

to childhood cancer research and treatment. Let's get 

Mattel's attention!

To show support for this please join our Facebook page.

and Causes.com 

You can contact Mattel directly. Here is Mattel's contact page