Monday, September 28, 2009


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I purposely took him to this carwash for these pictures because I knew the walls matched his eyes.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

10 Random Things that I Love

I thought I would try and share a little more about myself on a personal level once in a while, other then going on and on about cancer...blah blah cancer blah cancer blah blah cancer, cancer blah blah...

So here I have...
10 Random Things that I Love

1. WaWa chocolate caramel coffee
2. Sleeping with the windows open on a cool night
3. Cloud watching
4. The smell of puppy noses
5. The sound of my family laughing
6. Reality shows
7. Chinese food from Yummy Yummy in Mantua, NJ
8. My Dr. Pepper pajama pants
9. Monkeys
10. The Diva Cup...ladies, if you don't know what it is, google it if you dare. Men, don't bother, you do not want to know.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Man with Sword

A grown man buys a sword and wants me to take a cool picture of him with it. So a man and a sword...what to do?...what to do?...Do men ever really grow up? I think I accomplished "cool".

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Storybook Land - Egg Hardbor Twp, NJ

I took my mother and the girls to Storybook Land and we had a great time. This park is perfect for little ones ages 1 - 8. Much older and they probably would feel too old. I am glad I took them this year.
This is the largest coaster they have there. It was just the right size for my 7 year olds.

There are little houses and buildings based on storybooks that the children can explore.

The girls visited the North Pole. The pole is a literal pole of ice. How fun is that!

We ofcourse had to take a picture with Mother Goose, although she looks a bit scary looming so large.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Grandfather's Love

He would do anything for his Grandaughter...This picture was taken on 9/2/09 at Storybook Land in Egg Harbor, NJ. I would like to send a copy to them. If you know who they are please have someone contact me.

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