Tuesday, January 13, 2009

View from a Cancer Patient

My cancer treatment went okay yesterday. I didn't get as sick as I did the first time that I had this treatment 1 1/2 years ago. My blood pressure did drop but not dangerously low like before. I got the chills and achey but no vomiting. Yay!
I took my camera with me yesterday to the cancer center. I thought I would capture a couple of shots from the cancer patient's point of view.

In the parking lot

The view out the treatment center's window. Nice view, it's a shame you can't see it from the chairs we sit in during infusions.

The view from my chair I sat in all day. Not many people were there at first.

Then more people came in for chemo and the chairs began to fill up as I lay back in the recliner fighting the drowsy haze that I am in.

Looking down at my IV site in my hand.

Then looking up at my IV pole holding the magic drug flowing into my body that will kill many white blood cells that became confused and instead of fighting illness became a cancer. Unfortunately it can not kill all of these cells but enough to buy me more time.

Looking up at my ever faithful husband who is by my side, listening to his tunes on his MP3 player.


  1. Thanks for sharing your perspective Janie!

  2. Beautiful photos, Jane.
    Hope you have a good couple of days ahead.

    God Bless

  3. Janie....you're one tough cookie.

  4. This brough tears to my eyes Jane! Thank you so much for sharing

  5. Jane, this is amazing. I love you, girl.

  6. ((((hugs)))) to all of you. Thank you for being here for me.

  7. Really good photos, Jane. Those chairs look much more comfortable than ours!
