Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Open Letter to CEO of Mattel Bryan Stockton

Dear Mr. Bryan Stockton - CEO of Mattel, Inc.,

I want to express to you why I believe Mattel should make and sell a beautiful and bald Barbie.

  1. Barbie is the fashion and beauty icon of the toy industry. She could rock the bald look and thrill children and women all over the world who also rock the bald look.
  2. Barbie would be supporting  children and women who lose their hair from chemotherapy. 
  3. Barbie would be supporting children and women who have hair loss due to Alopecia.
  4. Barbie would be supporting children and women who have hair loss due to Trichotillomania.
  5. barbie would be supporting those children who have a loved one who has hair loss due to any of those causes.
  6. Barbie would be showing that you can be beautiful and bald by choice as a fashion statement.
  7. Barbie  would be setting a good role model that you can be different, and be perfectly YOU, with or without hair.
  8. Barbie and Mattel, Inc. could raise awareness for any or all of the above causes of hair loss in children and women.
  9. Barbie and Mattel, Inc. could hopefully help raise money for underfunded childhood cancer research to help search for a cure and/or better, less toxic treatments for pediatric cancer.
  10.  Barbie and Mattel, Inc. could improve their image by making a beautiful and bald Barbie.
  11. Barbie and Mattel, Inc could show the world that they listen to what they want to see from Mattel and the Barbie brand. 
  12. Mattel would be tapping into a market niche that has not previously been tapped into increasing their own sales and profitability.
  13. Mattel, Inc. and the barbie brand would be helping change how the world sees beauty and acceptance of individuality among women and children.
  14. This would be a fun product for girls with or without hair to play and interact with, if she came with head wear accessories such as wigs, scarves and bandannas. What Barbie girl doesn't love to accessorize!
You have a unique opportunity here to make a positive difference in the world and improving the Barbie image all while producing a profitable product. Barbie reaches all over the world and you have heard and seen the support across the planet in support of a beautiful and bald Barbie. Please take note that we have over 140,000 supporters from around the world on our Facebook page which was started little over a month ago and over 25,000 people have signed the petition that was started only about 1 week ago.Will you take this opportunity? 

I  would love to hear back from you directly about whether or not you are considering this opportunity.

Jane Bingham

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