Monday, January 9, 2012

Open Letter Beautiful and Bald Barbie - Bald and Brave GI Joe


We are part of the growing force behind the Beautiful and Bald Barbie Movement and our "brother" movement Bald and Brave GI Joe that are spreading worldwide. Our facebook page has over 6,000 supporters from around the world. We would like to see a Beautiful and Bald Barbie made to help young girls who suffer from hair loss due to cancer treatments, Alopecia and Trichotillomania. Also for you girls who are having trouble dealing with their mother's hair loss from chemotherapy.Many children have trouble coping with their mother, grandmother, sister, aunt or friend going from long haired to bald. We would love and are requesting that a portion of the proceeds from sales of this doll go to a reputable childhood cancer treatment and/or research facility.

Since starting the Beautiful and Bald Barbie movement we have heard an out pouring of requests to see a bald male action figure/doll made as well. Since boys usually do not play with Ken dolls we decided a Bald and Brave GI Joe made to help bring awareness to young boy cancer warriors, boys with Alopecia and Trichotillomania. It is currently a cool trend for men to shave their heads bald but for young boys it is not a trend. Boys who suffer from hair loss due to Alopecia, cancer treatments and Trichotillomania are often stared at and misunderstood. Most are assumed to have cancer when many are actually dealing with Alopecia or Trich.

We would like to see a strong figure for young boys to relate to during play that has no hair, like them. Showing them that they can be Brave, Strong and Bald even though they are young boys dealing with one of these conditions. With a new GI Joe movie being made, it is rumored that Channing tatum who is playing the role of GI Joe will have a shaved head for the role. What a wonderful thing it would be if the new GI Joe action figures that are sure to come out in relation to the movie be bald and include awareness information on the back of the packaging box about the three different causes of baldness in childhood.

We are asking Hasbro to donate a portion of proceeds of their sales of this doll to either a childhood cancer research/treatment facility or to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation. Would you please consider standing behind this movement with us?

Jane Bingham

and the rest of the administrators of

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