"In a world already littered with cancer totems such as rubber bracelets and pink everything (a limited number of which are from ACS initiatives) , do we need one more thing whose function is to “raise awareness” about cancer?"
"Childhood cancer is exceedingly rare. I would also argue that cancer is rare among the age group of women likely to have daughters young enough to play with Barbies."
" If they are mass marketed, many of these dolls will end up in the hands of girls who luckily aren’t likely to be touched by cancer in themselves or their mothers. But could they end up being terrorized by the prospect of it in a far outsized proportion to their realistic chances? There is no reason to create this sort of fear. It’s why we don’t see advocates calling for lightning strike dolls."
you can read all for yourself here.
My personal comment in response that I posted from their media relations team of the American Cancer Society...
As one of the administrators of the Facebook pagehttp://www.facebook.com/BeautifulandBaldBarbie, as a woman with cancer, as a woman who has friends that have children with cancer, as a woman who has an 11 year old neighbor with Alopceia, as a woman who is part of a Relay for Life team to raise money for the American Cancer Society, with the kids from Clearview High School, team called Mohawks for Mom, the kids are shaving their heads into Mohawks…. (I am that Mom)…I am so very disappointed in the American cancer Society. Dare I say even almost ashamed to participate in the Relay for Life now. I will still participate and help raise money for the American Cancer Society in the upcoming Relay for Life, but I will be doing it with a sad heart towards the ACS and I doubt I will be doing another Relay for Life after this, my efforts will go to other cancer organizations that are not so heartless as to the children with cancer.
Jane Bingham
Beautiful and Bald Barbie
Beautiful and Bald Barbie
And to go further with my own personal reaction to Andrew Becker's press release blog post....
Really Mr. Becker? Are our donation dollars paying your salary? Is this where our donation dollars go? Mr. Becker should be fired for his disgusting media post. Is he is really speaking for the whole American Cancer Society organization? If he is, then they should all be fired. How much of your donation to the ACS goes to childhood cancer? a half of 1 cent of every dollar...American cancer Society, shame on you for these views! SHAME ON YOU!
You can read about and join the support for a Beautiful and Bald barbie to be made on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/BeautifulandBaldBarbie
and you can sign the Petition to Mattel. http://www.change.org/petitions/mattel-inc-please-make-a-beautiful-and-bald-barbie
You can read about and join the support for a Beautiful and Bald barbie to be made on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/BeautifulandBaldBarbie
and you can sign the Petition to Mattel. http://www.change.org/petitions/mattel-inc-please-make-a-beautiful-and-bald-barbie
He reminds me of a line from Gone With the Wind from Rhett to Scarlet to the effect of: You're like the thief who doesn't regret what he's done but he's very, very sorry to be caught.
ReplyDeleteI read your comment on the ACS blog. I read the original blog post and was outraged last night. My family experienced the ugly world of pediatric cancer when my brother was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in August 2010. I didn't think to take a screenshot of the original blogpost, but I should have. His words were hurtful but it isn't fair for them to just be erased. He cannot retract what he said, the damage is done. I know you said you had a copy, and if you could send me one that would be great. My email is krehorn@asu.edu Thank you so much and thank you for your post and your dedication to making a difference.