Friday, January 6, 2012

Calling Doll Makers!

My friends and I have been on a quest to see a beautiful and bald "barbie" type doll to be made available for sale. She could have accessories such as scarves, headbands, fun hats and wigs. This would benefit children dealing with hair loss in many walks of life...children losing their hair from cancer treatments like chemo, children who have Alopecia, children with Trichotillomania.
Also, children dealing with a mother, or grandmother, or aunt, or sister, or a friend who is going through hair loss due to chemo treatment for cancer, what a great coping toy this would be for them.
Increase your normal profit margin by a small amount so that you can donate a portion of the proceeds to a childhood cancer treatment/research facility and it is a win/win situation. Your company looks fabulous and is caring and giving, while so many children are helped in so many ways.
Many people are not aware of how many children are diagnosed with cancer each year. The awareness ribbon color for childhood cancer is gold, not pink as so many people misunderstand. 
Awareness and doing what we can to help. What can you do to help? Contact if you can help. Here is a prototype I came up with for a bald princess doll.
 She is dressed in gold for childhood cancer awareness. She could have blue trim in honor of Alopecia awareness. On the back of the box there could be information about statistic of of Pediatric Cancer, Alopecia and Trichotillomania and how and where to get help or give help. 

What can you do to help? If nothing else, join the support on Facebook.

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