Monday, February 16, 2009

Feeling Good

I have finished my cancer treatments for follicular non-hodkins lymphoma. My recent blood work last week looked pretty good. My energy has come back and I am feeling great. I go back in two months to get scanned to check on the size of the tumors. We need to make sure the treatment worked. I know it did but I do not know to what extent. So, life back to normal again for a little while!


  1. I'm so glad to hear this Jane. You and your family are always in my prayers.

  2. That's wonderful! I know how that can feel as I am, also, at a point where decisions are being made about how long my treatments will go on. Have you inquired about infusion with Vitamin C? I can't say enough about it. It saved my life and I was given one year to live.

    George Pragovich
    Cancer Recovery and Fitness Specialist
    Trainer of Personal Trainers

  3. Good news! I'm so glad your energy is back, too.
