Friday, January 23, 2009

Economy Sensitive Pricing

I have begun "Economy Sensitive Pricing" or as I like to say, "The Economy Sucks Pricing". What this means is...I have reduced all print prices by $10 each to help my clients to still be able to afford my services during these rough economic times. Times change, rough times come and I know my family is feeling it and I know many of my clients are feeling it too. Even as times change so do we, so do our children...our families. We can't turn back the clock to capture these precious moments later when the economy gets better. With that in mind I have decided to reduce my print prices to help ease the financial strain on my beloved clients until further notice.
Examples of current reduced print prices are as follows...
5x7 were $25 - they are now $15
8x10 were $40 - they are now $30

You get the picture...ha ha... get the picture?....get it? the picture, *pun intended* ... I know, pathetic joke but I crack myself up.

Please contact me at for a complete price list or with any questions.

Also, a little cancer update.
I completed my second Rituxan infusion. There are 4 in total so I am half way through. Thank you for all your support, emails and comments.

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