Sunday, December 28, 2008

follicular non-hodgkins lymphoma update

I had a scan done earlier this month and the day after Christmas I went to see my oncologist. The scan showed the cancer is growing. This was not a huge surprise to me since I have been feeling lymph nodes popping up in my neck and clavical.
I will be starting treatment Jan. 12th, right after we come home from a vacation that we have had planned for nearly a year now. I will be doing 4 more rounds of weekly Rituxan immunotherapy infusions. Since I am in a clinical trial this is the route we will go. I could pull out of the trial and go a different route but I feel pretty confident that this is a good way to go and I am a firm believer that clinical trials are important. However, if I felt there was definitely a better way to go then I would pull out and do that.
Unfortunately, there is no sure fire way to go with this cancer. No matter what you do, it will grow again. The treatments will knock it back only to grow again, as of now, there is no cure. So, this is the road I will continue down until Rituxan stops working at knocking it back for me, then it will be on to much harsher methods of chemo. Radiation and surgery are not an option for me since the cancer is through my whole lymph system.
I am hoping I will get more then 18 months with this round of treatments. So, please think of me and pray for me on the 12th of January. The first infusion is the roughest as I had some scary side effects last time. Hopefully it will go smoother this time.


  1. Jane,

    you are in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy the vacation as best as you can.

    Stay strong and remember

    You Can

  2. I will be thinking of you and praying for you as well. Have a great vacation! Stay positive...I believe in you and in your doctors!

  3. Thanks Lori, it is good to hear from you! Keep in touch, let me know how things go for you in February.

  4. Janie Girl,
    I am always thinking of you and praying for you. Thanks so much for keeping everyone updated and know that I am here to listen anytime you need an ear.
    You are strong. You are beautiful. And you will totally kick this cancer back to 1942.
    Love you!

  5. Thank you Bing, You are such a sweetheart!

  6. Jane, you are in my thoughts, my mom asked about you when she was out. I'll let her know whats going on. Enjoy your vacation. Everything will be here when you get back. Hope you have a good trip.

  7. Jane, you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I truly "heart" you. :-) Have a wonderful trip.

  8. May all go well.

    Joe, a fellow traveler

  9. Thank you Marianne! I love you too hun!

  10. Thank you so much Joe. I hope your journey is going smootly.

  11. Jane-
    I will be sending good thoughts your way and will keep you in my prayers!

  12. Hi Jane,

    I found your blog through my friend's blog (Erika Barrientes). I am keeping you in my prayers.

    I read your entry on the risks of hair dye. I am 35 years old, and decided to stop coloring my hair at the age of 33. I have a blog dedicated to encouraging others to 'go gray', if they would like to.

    I found that when I made the transition, I wanted/needed to look at LOTS of pictures to transition. Anyway, just thought you may want to take a look.
    It's at:

    Would you consider letting me quote you on your "Risks/Dye" post? I will reference you, and give people your blog addy, if that's okay.

    I am going on a computer fast beginning on 1/1/09, so it may be a week or so before I'm back on.

    Hopeful for you,

  13. Will be praying and thinking of you. You are such a brave soul to share your trials with us. Stay focused and strong.
