Friday, September 21, 2007

Raw Tabouli

I tried a new recipe tonight. MMMMmmmmMMMMM it was so good. I never would have guessed eating a raw foods diet could be so good. So far so good. Tonight I made Raw Tabouli. I kind of mixed a couple recipe ideas for this. I used...

A bunch of fresh chopped cilantro

A bunch of fresh chopped parsley

A bunch of chopped scallions

4 tomatoes chopped

2 avocado chopped

1 tablespoon tahini (this would be fine to leave out)

the juice of 1 whole lemon

1 tablespoon olive oil

2 tablespoons honey

1 teaspoon sea salt

Just mixed it all together. I looked at it for a while trying to bring myself to try it. I had never eaten avocado before and parsley to me was a garnish you put on the side of a plate or added as dried flakes to a meal. Cilantro to me was a dried spice not something you eat fresh from the garden in a bunch. So, I ended up wrapping it up in a bowl and placing it in the refridgerator while I made the kids some pasta and raw veggies. I knew they were not ready to be pushed into eating Tabouli yet. So they ate their pasta and veggies and I went back to the fridge and took the bowl back out. I got myself a fork and dug in.

WOW! Now THAT is flavor! It was delicious. I am learning to get over my fears of trying new foods and recipes. I followed my son's example and took a picture of my dinner. :)

1 comment:

  1. This LOOKS really good to me. The ingredient list, however, doesn't sound good. I bet it's something I'd have to eat first..without knowing what it was. Then I'd love it. I'm a freak like that.

