Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April Fool's Day Giveaway! (Free Painted Portrait)

I am having an April Fool's Day Giveaway. One free painted portrait to One lucky person! Painting will be done from a picture you submit to me to paint it from, you do not have to be local. Person or pet portrait, your choice. You'd be a fool not to enter! Email me your name at to enter. I will draw a winning name at midnight.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Painted Portrait Mother's Day Gift {NJ Photography Artist ~ Jane Bingham}

Mother’s Day Special

Q. What is a special gift that will be treasured forever?
A. An heirloom portrait painting of the special mother in your life and her children by photography artist Jane Bingham.

She will recieve a short photoshoot with her children.
A 16x20 mounted portrait hand painted by Jane Bingham.
1 - 8x10, and 2 - 5x7 gift prints of the unpainted portrait
1 Mother’s Day card announcing their gift.
All for only $225 - A savings of $117
The painting is meticulously hand painted, the gift prints
are fully edited but unpainted.

Moms, Tell your husband this is what you want for Mother's Day! 

Husbands, give a gift that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Offer is valid for up to 3 people. Additional people add  $10 per head. Offer expires 5/8/10.

* To have the painting done before Mother's Day the photoshoot must take place before April 15th so I have time to paint and order that artwork. Or present the card to the special Mother on Mother's Day for her to have done after Mother's Day.

*If you do not live in the area and would like to have a portrait painted you can email me an image of mother and children that I can paint from.

Call Jane at 856-468-4887
or email her at

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Paintings by Jane Bingham

You can now have a painting done from your own snapshot or from a photo shoot you had done with me. For information on how to get your own painting done in 4 easy steps, view the slide show below.